Our men’s fellowship is designed to equip, prepare and challenge men to meet up to their calling and to lead as Christ has modeled for us, through humble service. By following His example, we believe that Christian men can make a difference in their families, church and community. Mr. T Rajkumar as organizer conducts retreats and bible studies regularly, also care basic needs of men who are less fortunate. Every fourth Friday men of our church meet.


  • To bring men into a personal relationship with Christ.
  • To unite men in Bible study, prayer, ministry and fellowship.
  • To weigh in and create an environment that touches the lives of the entire church family.
  • To promote accountability and mentor opportunities to propogate holiness in the Church and Homes.
  • To become an allurement for service and a resource for other church ministries and missions.
  • To facilitate successive events that will promote fellowship, outreach, and evangelism.